Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Happy 2009! I am so excited about what God has in store for the network this year. Truly, there are some amazing events transpiring and I feel SO BLESSED to be connected to so many ANGELS! Thank you for your love and tremendous support.

Please consider participating in the network request for JANUARY. For those of you who are new to this blog, click here to find out more about how D.A.W.N. works.

NETWORK REQUEST: An 82 year old senior, who has been strong and independent for her entire life, has just been informed that her remaining years will be confined to a nursing home environment due to an illness. Although the home provides great care, her spirits are at an ALL TIME LOW. Imagine a mandatory distribution of your life's possessions, freedom, and independent living status gone with the stroke of a doctor's pen.

THE NEED: Would you like to lift the spirits of this senior? Are you able to write a letter of encouragement? Can you think of a creative way to help? Can you share information that may "bring some light" in her time of need? Can you forward this blog to someone who may be able to help?

THE INSTRUCTIONS: Email me at Let me know if you would like to help.

THE REWARD: You could help to make this seniors' transition a little bit easier by sowing your love and encouragement.

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